Tafsir Surah Yusuf

9 hour-long sessions

A detailed tafsir of the beautiful story of Yusuf ‘alayhisSalaam by Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia. This set comprises nine hour-long sessions filled with rich interpretations from the most authentic traditions and precious insights into the life of this mighty prophet.

Sample Clip



Session 1: Verses 1 – 6
Shaykh Amin spends the first few minutes of the session dwelling on the forms of revelation that came to the Prophets, specifically their dreams, thus laying the foundation for the story of Yusuf – the best of stories.

Session 2: Verse 7 – 18
This session begins with a short overview by the Shaykh of the wisdoms about to unfold in the narrative of the story of Yusuf. The plot of the brothers of Yusuf is the highlight of the verses covered in this session.

Session 3: Verses 19 – 29
This session continues the story of Yusuf (AS), beginning with his abandonment as a child, his entry into the household of the Aziz of Egypt, and an account of his stay there. Shaykh Amin draws a parallel between Allah’s favor upon Prophet Yusuf (AS) in a foreign land, and his favor upon Muslims living as a minority in today’s

Session 4: Verses 30 – 42
Shaykh Amin continues the reading of Surah Yusuf: the trial posed by his mistress, his subsequent imprisonment, and his encounter with the two prisoners.

Session 5: Verses 43 – 57
In this session, Shaykh Amin continues the story of Yusuf (AS): the dream of the king of Egypt, Yusuf’s (AS) interpretation of the dream, and his subsequent ascension to a high rank in the king’s administration. Shaykh Amin shares his insights into the high moral fiber of Yusuf (AS) and his sincerity with Allah (SWT).

Session 6: Verses 58 – 76
This session continues the story of Yusuf (AS) highlighting a visitation from his brothers, and the scheme that he subjects them to. Shaykh Amin emphasizes the difference in the scheming of common men, and that of the noble Prophets; the latter bringing forth only good.

Session 7: Verses 77 – 98
The story of Yusuf (AS) reaches its climax – the remorse felt by his brothers for their past actions, and Yusu’s (AS) revelation to them of his true identity. The take away messages of this session: A believer is never in a state of loss, and when prophets forgive, they do so from a position of strength, not from a position of weakness.

Session 8: Verses 99 – 104
This session initiates the conclusion of the tafseer of this surah. Shaykh Amin speaks to the science of the interpretation of dreams, and the honorable stature shared by those who are skilled in it; Islam gave credence to the human subconscious. Shaykh Amin summarizes the applicability of the lessons of this surah, cutting across the events in the life of Musa (AS) and the Prophet (AS). The singular message of the surah is about keeping our faith in Allah (SWT) when things weigh hardest upon us.

Session 9: Verses 105 – 111
Shaykh Amin concludes the tafseer of Surah Yusuf.

Cover picture Farman Syed Photography