Ibn Hajar’s Mukhtasar

Packed with over 50 sessions

Ibn Hajar’s Mukhtasar al-Targhib wa’l-Tarhib is a one-volume abridgement of al-Hafiz al-Mundhiri’s five-volume opus discussing the spectrum of Islamic religious life from the perspective of hadith. The hadith in this collection either encourage an action (Targhib) or discourage an action (Tarhib) reflecting Al-Mundhiri’s use of two principles of spiritual development: hope and fear. In this course, Shaykh Muhammad Amin Kholwadia comments on selected chapters of ibn Hajar’s Mukhtasar, providing insights into Islamic psychology, spirituality, and theology derived entirely from prophetic teachings. Some of the chapters that will be commented upon include the chapters of knowledge, the sunnah, remembrance (dhikr), and others.

Sample Clips





Part 1
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Encouragement towards sincerity
Session 3: The rewards in seeking religious knowledge
Session 4: The merit of the people of knowledge
Session 5: The merit of conveying knowledge
Session 6: Following the Quran and Sunnah, insights on bid’ah
Session 7: The Book of Purification, comments on the Prophetic way to tahaarah
Session 8: Warning against speaking in the washroom, and encouraging the performance of wudu with all its etiquettes
Session 9: Wudu – maintaining and renewing it
Session 10: Praying after making wudu, giving the adhaan (Unavailable due to technical failure)
Session 11: Benefits in giving the adhaan (continued)
Session 12: Unavailable

Part 2
Session 13: Encouraging charity
Session 14: Encouraging the giving of charity secretly
Session 15: Encouraging charity towards relatives and spending in general
Session 16: Encouraging patience
Session 17: Encouraging patience (continued)
Session 18: Encouraging patience (continued)
Session 19: Respect for parents
Session 20: Turning to Allah in repentance
Session 21: The effect of sins in this world
Session 22: Prophetic advice regarding social etiquettes and practices
Session 23: Humane treatment of animals, and their treatment when sacrificing them
Session 24: Encouragement towards visiting the sick and the reward in it
Session 25: The importance of gentleness and tolerance

Part 3
Session 26: The excellence of spreading Salaam
Session 27: The etiquettes of entering someone’s home
Session 28: The duties and responsibilities of Muslim leadership
Session 29: The responsibilities of Muslim leadership (continued)
Session 30: The prohibition against consuming wine
Session 31: The detrimental effects of committing injustice. [Due to a technical failure, we regret that the second half of this recording is unavailable]
Session 32: Discouraging legal intercession
Session 33: The importance of hiding the faults of one another
Session 34: The importance of keeping away from sin
Session 35: The etiquettes of dressing
Session 36: The detrimental effects of envy
Session 37: Commending good and forbidding evil
Session 38: Commending good and forbidding evil (continued)
Session 39: Ahadith regarding the issue of taking the life of believers

Part 4
Session 40: The merits of visiting each other
Session 41: Departing from this world, and the Hereafter
Session 42: The abstemiousness of the Prophet(S) and the Sahabah(RA)
Session 43: Having a good opinion of Allah (SWT)
Session 44: Yawm al-Hashr / The Day of Judgment
Session 45: Detailed descriptions of Yawm al-Hashr
Session 46: Accountability on Yawm al-Hashr
Session 47: Crossing the Bridge over the Fire
Session 48: Al Shifa’a Part 1
Session 49: Al Shifa’a Part 2
Session 50: Introduction to the descriptions of Hell and Heaven
Session 51: Detailed descriptions of Hellfire – continued
Session 52: Detailed descriptions of Jannah
Session 53: Detailed descriptions of Jannah (continued)
Session 54: Descriptions of the People of Jannah

Cover picture Imran Shakur